A list of research projects i have worked for at Univ. of Kassel since 1995:
- Using Agrometeorological Network Data for Improved Semi-Arid and Arid Agrosystem
BMFT-Project University of Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil / Institute of Soils and Water - Bet Dagan
-Israel / FG Kulturtechnik GhKassel
(Dr. Matthias Langensiepen)
My tasks were
a) the design and execution of a field experiment for the monitoring of soil water dynamics using
tensiometry, gravimetry and the gypsum block method.
b) determination of soil physical and hydraulic properties.
c) assistance with measurement of plant geometry (angular distribution of leaf area), sap flow in
plants using the heat-pulse method and measurement of angular light response of stomatal
conductance by porometry
- Pilot project Bleicherode, sub projects
Direktbegrünung von anhydritischen Steinsalzhalden unter Verwendung von organischen
Abfällen (Dr. Michael Lücke)
Recultivation of saline waste dumps with thin layers consisting of soil material, lignite ashes
and organic waste (Dr. Günther Podlacha)
My tasks were the management and analysis of weather data from several automatic stations,
modeling of evapotranspiration and soil water dynamics, assistance with lysimeter data
- Auswirkungen der Werraversalzung auf die Baggerseen des Naturschutzgebietes Freudenthal bei
Witzenhausen (Dr. Wilko Schweers)
My tasks were: assistance with measurement of hydrological and water quality parameters,
assistance with modeling of actual evapotranspiration.
- Synthesis and consistency-check of complex modular-hierarchical ecosystem models (Dr.
Joachim Benz)
As a member of the ECOBAS group from 1997 to 2003, my tasks were: conceptual work, development of
several generations of model documentation and simulation software, development of a model
documentation standard, model analysis, organisation of workshops, software support, international
- Register of Ecological Models (Dr. Joachim Benz)
My tasks were: development of WWW-information system and database with the REM team,
classification and description of models, international correspondence.
- Development of an automatic system for the routine determination of soil hydraulic
functions on small soil cores. (T. Gabele)
Conceptual work, experimental design, development of electronic measurement and control devices,
sampling, software development, data analysis, presentation at international meeting.
- Improved boundary conditions for direct and inverse estimation of soil hydraulic functions
from laboratory evaporation experiments. (T. Gabele)
Conceptual work,experimental design, development of electronic measurement and control devices,
sampling, software development, adaption of SWMS2D and UCODE for the inverse analysis of multimodal
soil hydraulic functions, data analysis, presentation at international meeting.
- BMVEL Project Uni Kassel, HU Berlin, TU Munich (Prof. Dr. Peter v.
Technical database development and implementation of an intranet interface with uni-sql
- EU-Intercropping Survey (Prof. Dr. Peter v. Fragstein)
Technical database development and implementation of an intranet interface
- Experimental Plot Database for Agricultural Field Trials (Prof. Dr. Peter v.
Technical database development and implementation of an intranet interface
Benz, J., Hoch, R., Gabele, T.
1997: Documentation of mathematical models in ecology - an
unpopular task? Ecomod, Internat. Soc. Ecological Modelling (ISEM), December, 1-8
Hoch, R., T. Gabele, J. Benz
1998: Towards a standard for documentation of mathematical models
in ecology. Ecological Modelling 113:3-12
Hoch, R., T. Gabele, Benz, J.
1998: ECOBAS_MIF: Dokumentation am Beispiel einer
Multimodel-Studie p. 47-56. In Grützner R. und Benz J. (ed.) Werkzeuge für die
Modellbildung und Simulation im Umweltbereich. Uwelt-Informatik Aktuell Bd. 19.
Metropolis Verl., Marburg
Gabele, T., Hoch, R.
1999: Soil-dependent Flux Boundary Conditions for Wind's
Evaporation Method p. 313-323. In M. Th. van Genuchten and F. J.
Leij (ed.) Proc. Int. Workshop on Characterization and Measurement of the Hydraulic Properties
of Unsaturated Porous Media, University of California, Riverside, CA.
Gabele, T., Benz, J., Hoch, R. 1999: Standardization of model documentation: Usage of the ECOBAS system Ecomod,
Internat. Soc. Ecological Modelling (ISEM), June